Plant Optimisation
Changed market conditions and a glance into the future require adjustments to biogas plants. The plant efficiency can be effectively improved through systematic plant conversion or replacement of basic components.
After creating a needs analysis, WELTEC BIOPOWER optimises the biogas plants with individual repowering blocks that are determined under consideration of the specific plant, needs, licence and financial means. We also provide guidance concerning the use of premiums and bonuses and deliver feasibility studies.
Our Repowering Blocks
Improved Efficiency
- Guidance on energy marketing opportunities
- Information on the use of various premiums and bonuses
- Technical plant adjustments in order to enable the use of more inexpensive substrates
- Optimisation of mechanical processes in order to reduce power consumption
Heat Concepts
- Heat network refitting
- Setup of heat utilisation systems (dryer etc.)
- Generation of electricity from engine heat with ORC/SRC technology
Digestate Processing
- Reduction of the required digestate storage space through separation, drying and total processing
- Heat concepts
Technical Plant Optimisation
- Replacement, conversion and improvement of components, e.g.
- Solids input
- Mixers
- Membrane roof
- CHP plant
- Digestate storage facilities
- Pumps
- Plant control
Biological Plant Optimisation
- Process optimisation through regular review and adjustment of the digester biology
Plant Extensions
- Assistance in the licensing process
- Construction of tanks and digestate storage facilities
- Comprehensive project management