Jüterbog Biogas Plant
The Jüterbog plant in the district of Teltow-Fläming, which has an electrical capacity of 1.8 MW, was commissioned in November 2008. Since June 2016, WELTEC is the owner and operator of the plant. The site of approximately six hectares hosts an pre- storage tank for slurry, three digesters, three secondary digesters and four digestate storage tanks. Only renewable raw materials and agricultural waste from the vicinity are used as substrates. So far, only about 60 percent of the available heat is used for internal needs and the local heat network. To make full use of the plant's thermal capacity, a sludge drying unit should be installed on the premises.
Facts & Figures
Commissioning: November 2008
Total capacity: 1,8 MW (produced by 3 CHP)
Pre-storage tank: 1x for slurry
Digester: 3 tanks
Post digester: 2 tanks
Storage tanks: 4 x
Substrates: Renewable raw materials and slurry from the close proximity of the plant
Size of property: 6 hectar